Compiled and drawn by California State Automobile Association.--Panel ; "California State Automobile Association. Nevada Division." ; Includes indexes ; Includes inset maps of Nellis Air Force Base and area bounded on the north by Cheyenne Ave. and by Charleston Blvd. on the south. Signature of Elton M. Garrett of back of map. California State Automobile Association.
'Edition of Mar. 1908.' 'E.M. Douglas, geographer in charge; Topography and triangulation by R.H. Chapman, B.D. Stewart, J.E. Blackburn, and D.F.C. Moor. Surveyed in 1906-1907.' Scale 1:250,000 (W 116°00--W 115°00/N 37°00--N 36°00). Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Title in lower-right corner: Las Vegas. Contour interval 100 feet. Datum is mean sea level. "Topography"--Center of top margin. Text about the Topographic Maps of the United States series and symbols used on map on verso. U.S. Geological Survey
At top of map: 'Las Vegas Metropolitan Area.' 'June 1962.' Includes indexes and information about Las Vegas. Published by Campbell Realty. Scale [ca. 1:31,680. 1 in. to approx. .5 miles].
'Featuring Las Vegas ... North Las Vegas ... Paradise Valley.' '1969 edition - revised' -- top of map. Original publisher: Front-Boy Service Co. 1969 ed. Scale [ca. 1:79,200]. 'Copyright - Russell A. Meador, 1968.' Front panel title: 'Front Boy's official 1969 edition street map.' Indexes on map verso. 'Walt Choik, editor, Front Boy Maps' -- back panel.
'1981. Experimental edition 36114-A1-SI-250.' Scale 1:250,000 ; Transverse Mercator proj. (W 116°--W 114°/N 37°--N 36°). Series: Western United States 1:250,000. Western United States 1:250,000 ; NJ 11-12. Filing title: Las Vegas, Nev.; Ariz.; Calif. 'Imagery recorded with Multispectral Scanner (MSS) on NASA Landsat-3.' Includes image coverage diagram. Separate map on verso: Las Vegas / prepared by the U.S. Army Topographic Command ; revised by the U.S. Geological Survey 1969. Ed. 5. Washington, D.C. : Geological Survey, 1976, NJ 11-12 in the series Western United States 1:250,000. United States Geological Survey
'Compiled 1954. First revision - June 1958.' 'Area extends 9 miles north, 11 miles south, and 3 miles east, 3 miles west city limits of Las Vegas.' Original publisher: Campbell Realty. Scale [ca. 1:60,000. 1 in. to approx. 5,000 ft.]. Cadastral map. Hand-drawn red line around some sections on map.
Title in upper left and right margins: Las Vegas, Nevada. Identifies business tenants in the downtown area and includes property valuations, measurements, addresses, etc. Cadastral map. Oriented with north to the lower right.Text, illustrations, aerial photos, and ancillary map of the Las Vegas Strip on verso. Cataloger has determined date of map to be between 1952 and 1955 because the Sahara and the Sands Casinos are shown on the verso of the map, and they both opened in 1952, but the Riviera and the Dunes opened in 1955, and they are not shown on the map. Also, the Hotel Last Frontier is shown on the verso of the map, and its name was changed to New Frontier in 1955. Note: Many of the property names and addresses are erroneous when compared to Las Vegas business directories from the same period.