The Las Vegas High School Tales of Las Vegas Collection consists of two hand-bound books written by the 1924 modern history class and the 1925 United States history class at Las Vegas High School. The two books, both entitled "Tales of Las Vegas", chronicle Las Vegas, Nevada history starting in the 17th century with the Spanish Jesuit and Franciscan Monks. The books then focus on the 1905 "boom" stage of Las Vegas, discussing topics including Mormons, Native Americans, and mining. The two books are similar in content but not identical, and both contain photographs of early Las Vegas, Nevada life.
Scale [ca. 1:63,360. 1 in. to approx. 1 mile]. Relief shown by contour lines. Includes inset location map of Water District. 'August 1960.' 'Plate 1.' Las Vegas Valley Water District
Photographed as part of the UNLV Special Collections and Archives' Building Las Vegas collecting initiative started in 2016. This photo series documents ongoing construction work at the Resorts World Las Vegas site.
Photographed as part of the UNLV Special Collections and Archives' Building Las Vegas collecting initiative started in 2016. This photo series documents ongoing construction work at the Resorts World Las Vegas site.
Photographed as part of the UNLV Special Collections and Archives' Building Las Vegas collecting initiative started in 2016. This photo series documents ongoing construction work at the Resorts World Las Vegas site.
Photographed as part of the UNLV Special Collections and Archives' Building Las Vegas collecting initiative started in 2016. This photo series documents ongoing construction work at the Resorts World Las Vegas site.
Photographed as part of the UNLV Special Collections and Archives' Building Las Vegas collecting initiative started in 2016. This photo series documents ongoing construction work at the Resorts World Las Vegas site.
Photographed as part of the UNLV Special Collections and Archives' Building Las Vegas collecting initiative started in 2016. This photo series documents ongoing construction work at the Resorts World Las Vegas site.