From the Las Vegas Bugle Photograph Collection on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History (PH-00336). Images from Cave nightclub -5740 W. Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas. Kenny Kerr in beaded gown and star necklace. "Brian" in black jacket & white shirt.
Commercial for Bob Stupak's Vegas World shows footage of the interior of space-themed Vegas World while voice narrates over description of the casino being "out of this world"; commercial runs twice. Original media U-matic S, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From The Production Company Audiovisual Collection (MS-00930) -- Digitized audiovisual material file.
Interior of the showroom at the El Rancho Vegas. Printed text on back of postcard: "Desert Souvenir Supply, Boulder City, Nevada." Site Name: El Rancho Vegas Address: 2500 Las Vegas Boulevard South