A bound version of the "Law School Study for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas" by Dean Willard H. Pedrick, College of Law, Arizona State University, and Professor Lorne Seidman, Chairman, Department of Finance, College of Business and Economics, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. From the University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law Records (UA-00048).
Interview with Stanley Hyman by Eleanor Doble on March 10, 1981. In this interview, Hyman discusses his job as a district manager for Farmers Insurance group, which brought him to Reno, Nevada in the 1940s, then to Las Vegas in 1951. He talks about the population growth of Las Vegas, and comments that the infrastructure of the city did not improve with the population growth. He also talks about some local disasters, the economy, entertainment, and the convention business in the area. He speaks briefly about recreation at Lake Mead and Mount Charleston, and atomic tests. The interviewer asks about women in leadership positions in hotels and in the insurance business.