John Batchelor posing with others in Boulder City, Nevada. The caption provided with the image reads: "Mayor John Batchelor of Boulder City (center) expresses Boulder City's hopes for Proton Accelerator for Eldorado Valley to Dr. Rodney L. Cool, Associated Director, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Herbert E. Grier, President, Southern Nevada Industrial Foundation, who recently visited the proposed sites adjacent to Boulder City for the benefit of the Atomic Energy Commission. Mayor Batchelor and Boulder City delegation accompanied the team of five and officials of Southern Nevada Industrial Foundation, E.G. & G. and other agencies seeking placing of the $300 million project in this area. This picture was taken at the proposed site in Eldorado Valley just before the five experts boarded the plane with Pat Head of the Colorado River Commission to complete their reconnaissance."
The Cupid's Wedding Chapel sits at the north east corner of East Hoover Avenue at 827 South Las Vegas Boulevard. Information about the sign is available in the Southern Nevada Neon Survey Data Sheet. Site address: 827 S Las Vegas Blvd Sign owner: Bellevue Holdings Sign details: The original construction of this building was in 1950. This chapel is known for their weddings with Elvis Presley, James Brown and Johnny Cash impersonators. Sign condition: 5- The sign is in very good condition with bright colored graphics with little/no fading Sign form: Pylon Sign-specific description: This sign has a white steel beam as its base. The shape of their sign is a red heart with a white arrow going through it. The red heart portion of the sign has a red steel sign box within this is a back lit red plastic sign with white font on it. Surrounding this sign is exterior skeletal neon that illuminates red at night time. The font on their sign states "Cupid's Wedding Chapel" with the word Cupid in a bubble cursive font and the "Wedding Chapel" portion in a white block font. Surrounding these letters are white hearts as well as an image of Cupid shooting a love arrow. The white arrow that shoots through the heart sign showcases flashing incandescent light bulbs. Sign - type of display: Neon, incandescent and plastic backlit sign Sign - media: Steel and plastic Sign - non-neon treatments: Plastic backlit sign Sign animation: Flasher for incandescent light bulbs Sign environment: This location is a few blocks south of Fremont Street on Las Vegas Blvd. This chapel has other wedding chapels near it as well as the city courthouse and a few antique shops. Sign - date of installation: This sign has been up since at least 2007. Sign - thematic influences: The heart and arrow is symbolic to depict love and Cupid specifically, which helps showcase the theme and name of this location. Sign - artistic significance: Chapels perpetuate Las Vegas as the Marriage capital of the world as well as maintaining their Neon Signs really pays tribute to Las Vegas' vintage culture. Survey - research locations: Cupid's Chapel website, Asessor's Page, Top 20 chapels in Vegas website vegas-wedding- chapels-1018.html , history channel website valentines- day/pictures/valentines-day/cupids- wedding-chapel- in-las- vegas Survey - research notes: The Cupid's Wedding Chapel sign was showcased on History. Com discussing Valentine's Day Weddings, and they gave the number that there were 2.2 million marriages in the U.S. in 2007 and 126,354 took place in Nevada. valentines- day/pictures/valentines-day/cupids- wedding-chapel- in-las- vegas Survey - other remarks: They were ranked 5 on the top 20 chapels to get married at here in Vegas. vegas-wedding- chapels-1018.html Surveyor: Emily Fellmer Survey - date completed: 2017-09-09 Sign keywords: Steel; Plastic; Backlit; Incandescent; Flashing; Neon; Pole sign