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I agree.UNLV Special Collections provides copies of materials to facilitate private study, scholarship, or research. Material not in the public domain may be used according to fair use of copyrighted materials as defined by copyright law. Please cite us.
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Files include a NAH commercial starring Brad Garrett, photographs of various NAH events including Camp Mariposa, Camp Erin, Circle of Life Award Presentation, Maximum Hope Foundation Poker Tournament, Red Nose Day, NAH Swenson Inpatient Unit open house, Tenaya Inpatient Unit opening, and NAH Fellowship press conference and graduation.
Archival Component
This set includes: building sections, site plans, exterior elevations, floor plans and preliminary sketches.
This set includes drawings for Tricon Enterprises (client).
Archival Component
Arville and Reno (Las Vegas, Nevada)
This set includes: preliminary sketches, site plans and water and sewer plans.
This set includes drawings for Edward C. Summers (client).
Archival Component
The UNLV Libraries Collection of Project Faultless Photographs (1967 August 08-1968 February) contain black-and-white photographic prints of Project Faultness, a megaton nuclear test site in the Mojave Desert within Nye County, Nevada. The photographs depict scenes near and at the test site; buildings; and the area post-detonation.
Archival Collection
The Veterans History Project files document the efforts of the Library of Congress Veterans History Project and the National D-Day Museum to organize and plan a public history project about Native American veteran representation in the public discourse. Materials date from approximately 2002 to 2004. The subseries includes a registry for Native American service people; an interview list; notes on the process and meetings of the organization; materials about the Mississippi Band of Choctaw including journal articles, promotional materials, and a resume; Dr. Spilde’s research photographs of World War II monuments, memorials, and the National D-Day Museum; and agendas, correspondence, business cards, a button, and newspaper articles.
Archival Component
Summary of situation, goals, duties of cooperating agencies, and procedures regarding the effort to prevent flooding and erosion threatening properties and silting Lake Mead. Cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, University of Nevada Agricultural Extension Division and United States Department of Agricultural Cooperating. Project Number: State Office #172, Clark County #12.