A photograph of Lori Resnick celebrating her bat mitzvah with a cake. 120mm negative.
A portrait photograph of Max Goot. 4x5 negative.
A group photograph of Temple Beth Sholom's confirmation class. 4x5 negative.
A portrait photograph of Neil Galatz. 4x5 negative.
A group photograph during the installation of officers at Temple Beth Sholom. 120mm negative.
The Temple Beth Sholom Choir circling a piano and singing music. 4x5 negative.
An exterior view of Levy Realty Ext. 2 buildings in Las Vegas, Nevada. 120mm negative.
A portrait photograph of Naomi Cherry. She worked in public relations and advertising for Wonder World (WOW) in Las Vegas, Nevada. 120mm negative.
A portrait photograph of Cantor Bergman. 120mm negative.