Bracken stated that water from reservoir and spring was flowing, but was being absorbed into the ground as it flowed through a bed of tuilleries. In order for water to reach the Stewart burial plot and avoid a lawsuit threatened by Stewart heirs, Bracken recommended that the company dredge the ditch from the Main Street bridge to weir at dam.
Letter from the Union Pacific Railroad Co. lawyer recommending that the company not provide a settlement with the Stewart family, but to move forward with supplying water.
Letter in which Bracken requests a definition of a miner's inch from the State Engineer's office.
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from handwritten text on letter: "Request of Frank Strong"
Bracken informs the company lawyer that the Las Vegas Land and Water Company has installed a weir to enable measurement of water currently being delivered to the Las Vegas Ranch, and recommends the removal of all references to all amounts of promised water in the lease.
Text of a notice to be printed in the Las Vegas Review-Journal announcing a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for damage to the cover to the Big Spring.
Water production from five months between 1931 and 1938
A delegation from the Las Vegas Land and Water Company and local and state agencies was present to take weir water measurements from Las Vegas springs and wells.
The commander general of the U. S. Sixth Army requesting a map of Las Vegas showing potable water facilities.
Letter comparing Las Vegas water usage in September 1941 and 1942.
Letter comparing Las Vegas water usage in November in 1941 and 1942.