Positive transparencies in mounts suitable for projection, usually 35mm film in a mount of 2 by 2 inches. An image on film or glass, usually positive, intended to be viewed by means of light passing through the image and base using a viewer or projector
Material Type
Architectural drawings or drawings of other subjects, characterized by the depiction of shadows, textures, sometimes colors, often executed with watercolor washes, and showing some setting. Intended as visualizations of the full conception of a project or as an accurate record of the work depicted.
Material Type
Archival Component
Archival Component
Archival Component
Archival Component
Collection is comprised of scrapbooks, photographs, awards and certificates, and ephemera mainly dating from approximately the 1950s to 1970s gathered by the Levy family of Las Vegas, Nevada. This collection documents the personal and professional lives of three generations in the Levy family: Harry C. Levy, Al Levy, and Andrew “Drew” Levy. Materials in this collection also include photographs and clippings about the Levy Realty Company and about the various public positions held by Harry C. Levy, such as Las Vegas city commissioner.
Archival Collection
The Contract documents series (1982-1989) contains high-level waste technical contract files pertaining to all three of the potential high-level waste geologic repository sites: WM-10, Basalt Waste Isolation Project (BWIP) in Richland, Washington; WM-11, Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations (NNWSI), State of Nevada; and WM-16 Repository, State of Texas. Contract files are identified by an alpha-numeric FIN (contract) number. See the LPDR User’s Guide available in Series I for a more detailed explanation on how to find documents and for a summary of each contract.
Archival Component