Henry Jiminez was born in Torrance, California, in 1985. His family lived in Long Beach until he was 13, with the exception of six months spent in Mexico. They moved to Las Vegas and bought a home here in July of 1998. Henry completed middle school and high school in Las Vegas. In his freshman year, he got involved in student government, played basketball and tennis, and was in the Key Club and the Latino Club. He earned a high enough GPA to get the Millennium Scholarship. When he arrived at UNLV, Henry continued with his interest in campus politics, joined the first Latino fraternity, and developed an interest in women's studies. He was a senator for 2 years and took over the chairmanship of the Ways and Means Committee at one point. He served on many other committees and made time in his busy schedule to attend as many student organization meetings as he could. Henry graduated in May of 2006 and immediately left to intern in Washington, D.C., with Senator Harry Reid. His other goals included studying for the LSAT, and eventually entering law school.