Cora Williams was born on December 19, 1930 in Sondheimer, Louisiana to John and Ora Williams. She moved to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1952. She was a hotel maid and eventually owned a beauty shop.
Don Garvin was born Goldfield, Nevada. Garvin moved his family to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1946 and worked as an engineer at the Flamingo Hotel until 1972.
Janet Garry was born November 24, 1927 in Louisiana. She moved to Nevada in December of 1951. She worked at a file clerk. Garry passed away February 06, 2007.
Alexander was born on March 25, 1952 in Durham, North Carolina. He discusses his move to Las Vegas, Nevada and talks about race relations within Las Vegas, Nevada.
Leander Fields Hayes was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. He arrived in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1941. Hayes worked as a stage/audio sound technician.
Mary Ellen Osborn Lake was born in Mercer County, Missouri. She arrived in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1904.
Ina Porter was born in Kanab, Utah. She and her husband moved to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1936. They moved to the John S. Park neighborhood in the 1940s.
Sue Higgason Morrow was born on November 13, 1932 in Tennessee. She moved to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1956 and worked as an educator. She passed away on June 25, 1995.
Allen Stump was born on March 3, 1947 in San Mateo, California. He later moved to Las Vegas, Nevada where he worked as a fire fighter for Clark County Fire Department.
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