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Fence diagram showing lithology of valley-fill deposits and summary of water-bearing properties for valley-fill and bedrock units, Las Vegas Valley, Nevada, 1981 (Open-file report 84-130)




'United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey. Open-file report 84-130, plate 2.' 'Prepared in cooperation with the Clark County Department of Comprehensive Planning.' 'Geology by R.W. Plume, 1981.' Scale [ca. 1:31,680. 1 in.=approx. .5 miles]. . Series: Open-file report (Geological Survey (U.S.))
84-130. Originally published as plate 2 of Ground-water conditions in Las Vegas .Valley, Clark County, Nevada. Part I. Hydrogeologic framework / by Russell W. Plume, published by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1984 as Open-file report 84-130. "Prepared in cooperation with the Clark County Department of Comprehensive Planning."


Map of Las Vegas showing areas owned by the Union Pacific Railroad Company, water pipes and other water utilities, circa 1942


1938 to 1946


Map showing downtown Las Vegas and tracts to the west showing water supply lines, wells, springs, and settling basins. Various areas outlined in red and yellow. Scale [ca. 1:7,200] 1 in.=600 feet. Cadastral map. Blueline print. Areas owned by railroad outlined by hand in different colored markers. Library's copy includes hand-written calculations.


Blueprint map showing proposed water pipeline from Big Spring to Las Vegas, Nevada, January 24, 1911




'S.P.L.A.&S.L.R.R. Los Angeles Division. Map of pipe line from Big Spring. Las Vegas, Nev. Approved: Jan. 24, 1911. E.M. Jessup, E.M. of W.' In lower right corner: '4-U-323.' Scale [ca. 1:2,400] 1 in.=200 feet. Relief shown by contours. North is to upper right.


Map to accompany joint letter dated April 20th, 1931 to Mr. Gray concerning construction of proposed water main to serve lessees in Industrial Unit No. 1, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 20, 1931




'Union Pacific System. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railraod Company.' 'Office of Industrial Engr., Los Angeles, California, April 20th, 1931. Dwg. No. 588.' Scale: 1" = 200'.


Wagon road from Fort Steele, Wyoming via Rawlins, Union Pacific R.R. to White River Agency, Colo., via cut-off from old road, October, 1878




38 x 52 cm. "Topography: Colorado & Utah: U.S. Geolog. Survey Territories, Prof. Hayden in charge and from personal notes & obs--Wyoming: maps, General Land Office & personal notes." "October, 1878." Includes other wagon roads, trails, rivers, ranches, Indian agencies and military reservation. "Drawn by Lieutenant C. A. H. McCauley, 3rd Artillery." "Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 62, 45th Congress 3rd Sess." Original publisher: GPO, Series: Sen. ex. doc no. 62, 45th Congress, 3rd session.


Map of Death Valley and surrounding areas in southern California, southern Nevada and Arizona, 1930



Archival Collection


Col. ; 51 x 69 cm. Oblique perspective map. Relief shown by landform drawings and spot heights. North is toward upper-right corner. "1M--10-33--1846--A.P.Co." printed in lower left corner. Published by the Pacific Coast Borax Company, Los Angeles, California, 1930. Signed by Howard Burke near lower right corner.


Map based on reconnaissance of the Zuñi, Little Colorado and Colorado Rivers in 1851 by U.S. Corps of Topographical Engineers




Transcribed from the original: 'Made in 1851 under the direction of Col J.J. Abert, Chief of Corps Topographical Engineers, by BVT. Capt. L. Sitgreaves, T.E., assisted by Lieut. J.G. Parke, T.E., and Mr. M.H. Kern. Drawn by R.H. Kern, 1852.' 'Gila River from a reconnaissance by Maj. Emory, Topographical Engrs. Colorado River below Camp Yuma from a reconnaissance by Lt. Derby Topographical Engrs.' Shows Indian villages and forts. Upper right corner partially missing. Scale [ca. 1:650,000]. Scale of 10 miles to one inch.' 'Ackerman Lith.: 379 Broadway, N.Y.'


Map of part of south western Colorado, January 10, 1878




38 x 49 cm. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. "Atlas sheet no. 61(D)." "Issued Jan. 10th 1878." "Expeditions of 1873, 74, 75 & 76 under the command of 1st. Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army." Prime meridians: Washington, D.C. and Greenwich. Includes sectional diagram showing how atlas sheets fit together. "Weyss, Lang & Herman, del." "By order of the honorable the Secretary of War." "Under the direction of Brig. General A. A. Hunphreys, Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army." " J. C. Spiller, Louis Nell, topographical assistants." "Expeditions of 1873, 74, 75 & 76 under the command of 1st. Lieutenant William L. Marshall, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, 1st Lieutenant Eric Bergland, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, Executive Officers and field astronomers." Original publisher: U.S. Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian, Scale 1 inch to 4 miles or 1:253440.


General geologic map of the Corners area, Arizona-Nevada-Utah, April 15, 1952




46 x 65 cm. "IAPG guide book #7. General plate #1." "April 15, 1952." Includes bibliographic references and index of drilled wells Includes township and range grid. "Drawn by Oscar Baide, Jack Harde." "Compiled by I.A.P.G. under direction of L.F. Wells." Original publisher: I.A.P.G..


General map showing approximate location of better known springs and wells in the Mohave and adjacent deserts, southeastern California and southwestern Nevada, circa 1908-1909


1905 to 1912


At top of map: 'U.S. Geological Survey, George Otis Smith, Director. Water-supply paper no. 224, pl. 1.' 'Topography compiled from U.S. Geographical Survey atlas sheets,Perris' map of Southern California and other sources.' Relief shown by hachures. Shows township and range grid. Covers the area from Bishop south to the Mexican border, from Long Beach and San Diego to the Arizona border, and the southern part of Nevada, from Beatty and Mesquite south. Scale [ca. 1:1,140,480. 1 in. to approx. 18 miles] (W 118°00´- -W 114°00´/N 37°00´--N 32°32´). Series: Water-supply paper (Washington, D.C.)
224. Map is plate 1 from the U.S. Geological Survey Water-supply paper 224.
