The black and white view of Howard Hughes, surrounded by crowds, after arriving completing his Around the World tour at Floyd Bennett Airfield in New York.
The black and white view of Howard Hughes, surrounded by crowds, after arriving completing his Around the World tour at Floyd Bennett Airfield in New York.
The up close view of Howard Hughes and his crew of five posing on the steps of City Hall for photographs in New York City, New York. Crowds who gathered to celebrate Hughes' completion of his Round the World flight can be seen in the background.
The black and white view of Howard Hughes' Lockheed 14 aircraft performing its final landing on the Round the World flight at Floyd Bennett Airport, New York. Typed onto a piece of paper attached to the image: "A scene at Floyd Bennett Field as Howard Hughes and his crew landed after completing A Round the World flight..... 7-14-38 (Press Association)."
Howard Hughes sitting inside the Lockheed 14 aircraft in New York. Typed on a piece of paper attached to the image: "Hughes' Paris hop delayed by motor trouble. New York City-- Howard Hughes, millionaire oil man and speed flyer, in the cabin of his huge Lockheed plane as he waited impatiently for a crew of mechanics to repair one of the motors so that he could take off for Paris. He was forced to give up his plans to leave on July 9th when mechanics found that it would be impossible to change the 18 cylinders of his motors in time. Crews worked all night at the job. Rough spots were found in the cylinders during fuel consumption tests. Credit Line (ACME) 7/10/38 Burs SF."
Typed onto a piece of paper attached to the image: "Howard Hughes at the microphone, during his brief address at Official Municipal welcoming ceremonies in the Council Chamber at City Hall. In his speech, Hughes disclaimed credit for the flight and heaped praise on the "men who designed and perfected to its present remarkable state of efficiency, the modern American flying machine and equipment." New York, New York."
A group photo of a baseball team, possibly in Las Vegas, Nevada. Description provided with image: "Top Row: 1) Walter Houck; 2) Ben Emerick; 3) Frank Black; 4) Harry Beale; 5) H. Floyd Alter; 6) Curley Fennel; 7) Walter "Tubby" Sears. Bottom Row: 1) Mac McCormack; 2) Oswald; 3) Sullen; 4) Cockey Vores; 5) John Kramer; 6) Harley Harmon; 7) Shores."
Description printed photograph's accompanying sheet of paper: "They also flew! New York City--- Heroes yesterday, spectators today. Standing obscurely on the sidelines while New York acclaimed Howard Hughes and his four companions with a typical ticker-tape parade up Broadway, were two men respective aeronautical feats also set the world agog. Second from left is Capt. J. Erroll Boyd, who flew from Toronto, Can, to London in 1930. On that flight he had as his companion and navigator Harry P. M. Connor, who served in the same capacity on the Hughes flight. Beside Boyd, (smoking cigarette) is Roger Q. Williams, who, in 1929, flew from Old Orchard Beach, ME, to Rome. Credit Line (ACME) 7/15/38 (FULL)"