Howard Hughes (second from the right) standing with other unidentified men near his plane in the hangar at the Grand Central Air Terminal in Los Angeles.
Howard Hughes standing in the doorway of his plane and shaking the hand of an unidentified individual amongst a crowd of men at the Grand Central Air Terminal in Los Angeles.
Standing from left to right is Robert Wengert, Marilyn Wengert Gatewood, Shirley Wengert, Ella Wengert, an unidentified family cousin, and Ward Wengert posing together on Easter.
Incorporating iconic New York symbolism with commercial architecture, the New York New York hotel and casino along the Las Vegas Strip presents an "only in Vegas" tourist attraction complete with a Statue of Liberty replica.
Incorporating iconic New York symbolism with commercial architecture, the New York New York hotel and casino along the Las Vegas Strip presents an "only in Vegas" tourist attraction complete with a Statue of Liberty replica.
Incorporating iconic New York symbolism with commercial architecture, the New York New York hotel and casino along the Las Vegas Strip presents an "only in Vegas" tourist attraction complete with a Statue of Liberty replica and a roller coaster.