Note: Handwritten menu. "Déposé [registered] AD" [printer's monogram] printed under illustration on page 2. Illustration on page 2 shows a woman wearing a toga and sandals, with a raised wine glass and a scepter, riding atop a barrel being pulled by two oversized snails Restaurant: Savoy Restaurant
The black and white view of men assembling a truck loaded with old telephone booths for Howard Hughes arrival in New York. Typed onto a piece of paper attached to the image: "Telephone company "goes to town" for Hughes' arrival, New York City -- Something had to be done to take care of the thousands of potential telephone users who crowded Floyd Bennett Field, July 14th, for the arrival of Howard Hughes and his daring crew on their dash Around the World, so the New York Telephone Company, well aware of the fact that the few phones at the field couldn't possibly accommodate, the officials, police, and spectators, "went to town" with a truck loaded with old telephone booths. A line was quickly strung and the phones in the booths on the truck were plugged in. The business was rushing and the phone company was well rewarded for its enterprise. Credit Line (ACME) 7/14/38."