Original publisher: Rand, McNally & Co. Scale [ca. 1:1,203,840). 1 inch to 19 miles. Originally published as p. 316-317 of Rand McNally's commercial atlas of America. Title in right margin: Nevada : commercial atlas of America. Includes township and range grid. Includes index to Nevada railroads and index to principal cities with their populations. Index on verso to counties, towns and natural features in Oregon and Nevada.
The black and white view of Howard Hughes and his crew being surrounded by crowds as they exit the Lockheed 14 aircraft after finishing the Around the World flight at Floyd Bennett Airfield in New York.
The black and white view of Howard Hughes and his crew being surrounded by crowds as they exit the Lockheed 14 aircraft after finishing the Around the World flight at Floyd Bennett Airfield in New York.
The black and white view of a crowd of people awaiting the arrival of Howard Hughes in his Lockheed 14 aircraft at Floyd Bennett Airport, New York. This final landing for Hughes marked the end of his Round The World flight.