The Tobias Mattstedt Menu Collection (approximately 1990-2009) is comprised of menus documenting the restaurant industry in Las Vegas, Nevada, the United States, and internationally. The menus include restaurants located in Las Vegas casinos, most notably the MGM Grand, located in Las Vegas. Included in the MGM Grand menus are restaurants such as the Pearl, Tabu Ultra Lounge, and the Grand Wok and Sushi Bar. The collection also documents menus collected by Mattstedt that are not affiliated with the MGM Corporation. These include menus located in the United States, especially Hawaii, including menus from the restaurants Olio!, Nob Hill, Diego's, and Sea Blue. The collection also includes international menus with a focus on Asian countries. The material provides insight into menu design, food culture, and the Las Vegas service industry.
The Sister Klaryta Antoszewska Photograph Collection (1977-1991) consists of photographic slides that depict various Nevada, United States, and international nuclear test protests. The collection includes images of Sister Klaryta Antoszewska and Sister Rosemary Lynch, as well as images of the Lenten Desert Experience and numerous protests at the Nevada Test Site. Also included are images of nuclear testing, soldiers, and anti-nuclear testing promotional materials.
The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Theta Theta Omega (AKA TTO) Chapter records (1965-2020) are comprised of organizational records, conference programs, digitized copies of the chapter's scrapbooks, and copies of Ivy Leaf, the organization’s national newsletter. The records include chapter and committee agendas and meeting minutes, Far Western Regional Conference reports, and fliers for events hosted by AKA TTO. Also included are archived web captures of AKA TTO's website and digital audio and video files for the chapter's oral history project interviewing Charter, Golden, and Silver members from 2019 to 2020.
The Thomas Hickey Political Papers (1964-1996) contain the professional files of Hickey’s career as a Nevada State Assemblyman and Senator. Materials include constituent correspondence, voting records, memoranda, newspaper clippings, bills, and research documentation on topics such as the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), education, health, prisons, finance, and Nevada infrastructure. The collection highlights Hickey’s role on committees including finance, transportation, government affairs, and ways and means.
The Howard Hughes Professional and Aeronautical Photographs contain black-and-white photographs of businessman and entrepreneur Howard Hughes and his companies from 1916 to 1997. The photographs primarily depict Hughes alongside his aircraft, including the XF-11 prototype reconnaissance plane and the HK-1 Hercules, better known as the "Spruce Goose" or "Flying Boat." The photographs also cover the companies owned by Hughes, including Hughes Tool Company, Hughes Aircraft Company, Hughes Electronics Corporation, and RKO Pictures.