Covers the desert area in the Owens Valley, Death Valley, Las Vegas and Lake Mead region; bordered by Bishop and Inyokern, California, and Pioche and Lake Mead, Nevada. 'Cartography by W.T. Taylor, W.A. Neely. Color separation by H.P. Pflum; Relief by F.M. Burke; Typography by W.R. Williams. Field mapping by H.A. Cline, G.L. Boyd, K.R. Reed., W.A. Neely, R.P. Conklin.' 'Copyright by Automobile Club of Southern California.' Scale 1:483,537. 1 in. to approx. 8 miles (W 120°--W 114°/N 39°--N 33°). 'Map number 2217.'.
Color image of protesters with the Lenten Desert Experience (also called the Nevada Desert Experience), a group demonstrating against nuclear testing, gathered together at a makeshift altar in the Nevada desert.
From Harvey's Hotel and Casino Postcard Collection (PH-00367). The Reno Arch and Virginia Street in Reno, Nevada, ca. 1970s. The postcard is addressed to Andrew T. Gazsi.