The collection is comprised of captured websites and Twitter data related to the mass shooting that occured at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 1, 2017. Captured websites are primarily comprised of articles and news stories from local, national, and international news media outlets. Websites were captured periodically from 2017 to 2018. The collection also includes Twitter data associated with the October 1 shooting that were captured via concurrent queries to the Twitter API for all Tweets containing the term “vegas” occuring September 29, 2017 to October 7, 2017. Also included are files containing tutorials for how to curate and analyze Twitter data which reference the 1 October Twitter dataset for illustrative purposes.
Archival Collection
Aerial view of a portion of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) campus, looking south. The track is in the foreground, Thomas and Mack Center in the background.
From the Nye County, Nevada Photograph Collection (PH-00221) -- Series III. Beatty, Nevada -- Subseries III.B. Lisle Family. A bar stood to the left of the building pictured here, and a school stood to the right, near the present site of the big, stone corral. Mrs. Wilson ran a boarding house in the largest building pictured here.
From the Sister Klaryta Antoszewska Photograph Collection (PH-00352). Written on sign: "nuclear accidents: we PLAN them in NEVADA".
Photographs from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Creative Services Records (2010s) (PH-00388-05). Client: Athletics/Sports Information. UNLV Football Coaches (Tony Sanchez, Kent Baer, Barney Cotton, Jamie Christian, John Garrison Andy LaRussa, J.D. Williams, Ron O'Dell, Jimmy Morimoto, Dennis Slutak, Cody Green, Ben Cotton, Keith Belton, Patrick Coleman, and Joe Seumalo) on March 11, 2015 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.