From the UNLV Libraries Single Item Accession Photograph Collection (PH-00171). A panorama of Las Vegas, Nevada taken from the Salt Lake Depot that was under construction.
A group of fifteen unidentified miners posing outside of a mining building, probably in Nevada. Most have supplies of candles and picket sticks. "Uncle Al Maunder" is written at the bottom of the photograph.
From the Jean Ford Photograph Collection (PH-00295) -- Standing, from left to right: R. Young, C. Ching, G. Thola, Dean Bohmont, T. Ballow, W. Elwell. Seated, from left to right: C. Donnelly, R. Wright, J. White, Jean Ford, M. Knudtsen, A. McKenna
'Compiled by C.D. Baker, Civil Engineer, State Water Right Surveyor, Mineral Surveyor, Gen. Land Office, Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada. Oct. 1, 1940.' Scale [ca. 1:48,000]. 1 in. to 4,000 ft. Cadastral map.
A color image of the neon sign for the Vance and Arlene Saloon, located in Austin, Nevada. Various other businesses, including Minit Mart and Texaco, are visible in the background.
Mule teams and wagons loaded with cordwood on way to ore mill at Belleville, Nevada. Trees stumps show extent of cutting operation. The collected wood was used for fuel at the ore mill.