The first University of Nevada, Las Vegas (formerly Nevada Southern University) commencement ceremony. Pictured left to right: Mrs. Mariah Cahlan (class of 1895), John Cahlan her son, and Jon E. Cobain the first graduate of Nevada Southern.
Dick Ronzone, back row, 2nd from right. Several others identified on back of photo. This image was likely taken during his Nevada National Guard Service, anti-aircraft battalion, 1941-46.
From the Eileen Margaret Green Photograph Collection (PH-00229) -- Yellow Plug, view northeast. Handwritten on envelope, "Yellow Plug, view northeast. (from her MA thesis. A Cultural Ecological Approach to the Rock Art of Southern Nevada, GN 799 P4 G73x 1987a)". Handwritten on the back of the photograph, "Figure 4. Yellow Plug, view northeast."
Nevada Test Site (Miscellaneous). Horse corral. Typewritten on photo sleeve: "When vigilantes pursued pesarados through the test site" [Caption in N[evada] T[est] S[ite] News Feb. 12, 1965 p. 1]