29 x 36 cm. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington. "Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1855 by J.H. Colton & Co. in the Clerk's Office of the Dist. Office of the U.S. for the Southern. Dist. of New York." Hand colored. Decorative border. Atlas p. number in lower-right margin: 67. Shows routes of explorers, proposed railroad routes, wagon route, mail route, Indian reserves and mines. On verso: History and statistical view of Mexico. Original publisher: J.H. Colton.
At top of map: 'Reconnaissance Maps, Department of California.' 'In charge of, Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, U.S. Engineers; assisted by Lieut. D.W. Lockwood, Corps of Engineers,U.S.A., 1969.' 'P.W. Hamel, chief topographer and draugthsman.' 'Traced 11-13-67.' 'BGS'; the G is enclosed in an arrowhead shape. 'Officially compiled and published at the Engineer Office, Head Quarters Department of California in 1869 and 70 by order of Brigadier General E.O.C. Ord. Comm'dg. [signed] Geo. M. Wheeler, Lieutenant of Engineers In Charge, Head Quarters Dept. of Cal. Oct. 26th, 1870.' Includes information from railroad maps, the United States Geological Survey of the 40th parallel and from Lieutenant Ives' explorations along the Colorado. Map includes camps, astronomical stations, good and bad wagon roads, trails, springs, settlements, mining districts, state and county boundaries and the watershed between the Humboldt and Colorado Basin. Shows most of eastern half of Nevada. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Scale indeterminable. (W 117°00´--W 113°00´/N 41°45´--N 35°45´). Series: Reconnaissance maps. Military map / Department of California no. 1. Reproduction. Map is printed in purple. Scale of original map: [1:760,320]. 1 in. to approx. 12 miles. Includes dots hand-colored with red pencil marking Indian rancherias.
'Edition of 1921.' 'W. H. Herron, Acting Chief Geographer; Geo. R. Davis, Geographer In Charge; Topography by H. H. Hodgeson, N. E. Ballmer, and W. B. Upton, Jr.; Control by H. H. Hodgeson, Roscoe Reeves, and D. S. Birkett. Surveyed in 1916.' At top of map: ' Topography, State of Nevada.' At upper left corner: ' Department of the Interior, Albert B. Fall, Secretary; U.S. Geological Survey, George Otis Smith, Director.' Southern Nevada Mining Map Collection. 15 minute series (topographic) Nevada.
58 x 47 cm., on sheet 74 x 84 cm., folded in envelope 30 x 24 cm. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. "Bedrock geology mapped by B.C. Burchfiel, 1961, and by E.J. McKay and K.A. Sargent, 1965-66. Surficial geology mapped by A.T. Fernald, 1968." Includes cross sections, description of map units, and location map. "Prepared in cooperation with the U. S. Atomic Commission." Original publisher: Interior, Geological Survey, Series: Geologic quadrangle map GQ, Scale: 1:24 000.