From the Fedora Bontempi Simpkin Photograph Collection (PH-00239). From left to right is Donna Eadie, 1978 Clark County Youngest Mother; Thora Larson, CC Humanitarian Mother; Nevada Lt. Governor Bob Rose, Elizabeth Hilbrecht, Clark County Professional Mother; Fran Trelease, Clark County Community Service Mother, and Filomena "Mom" Mirabelli, Clark County Pioneer Mother. (1978 Clark County Mother of the Year Award Ceremony)
From the Fedora Bontempi Simpkin Photograph Collection (PH-00239). Clark County Mother of the Year Awards and Celebration Committee, 1982. From left to right is Marie Ripps, Fedora Bontempi Simpkin, Senator Howard Cannon, Ruth Cooper, and Ann Valder.
Thirty-four unidentified photographs from various time periods. Many of the individuals depicted in the photographs are most likely Fayle family and relatives.