Copyright 1905 by Elmer J. Chute, E.M. Goldfield, Nev. In lower right corner: "Designed and drawn by R.W. Griswold." Includes inset location map; Includes township and range grid. Scale [ca. 1:20, 400. 1 in.=aprrox. 1,700 feet]
'Map no. 7 to accompany report on flood control survey. Made by Graham S. Quate. March 1934. Drawn by T.K.' Scale [ca. 1:15, 600. 1 in.=approx. 1,300 feet]. Relief shown by hachures. North oriented to upper right corner. Library's copy has hand-drawn map and notes in pencil on verso.
'United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation.' 'June 1976. Revised March 1981.' 'Map No. 952-300-203.' 'Exhibit I.' Includes inset location map for project area. Scale [ca. 1:126,720. 1 in. to approx. 2 miles] . United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation
58 x 47 cm., on sheet 74 x 81 cm., folded in envelope 30 x 24 cm. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. "Geology mapped in 1984-85." Includes text, bibliography, and location maps. "Prepared in cooperation with the U. S. Deparment of Energy." "Base from U. S. Geological Survey, 1961. Photorevised 1983. 10,0000-foot grid ticks based on Nevada coordinate system, central zone. 1000-meter Universal Transverse Mercator grid ticks, zone 11, shown in blue." Original publisher: U. S. Geological Survey, Series: Miscellaneous investigations series map I, Scale: 1:24 000.
'Edition of Mar. 1908.' 'E.M. Douglas, geographer in charge; Topography and triangulation by R.H. Chapman, B.D. Stewart, J.E. Blackburn, and D.F.C. Moor. Surveyed in 1906-1907.' Scale 1:250,000 (W 116°00--W 115°00/N 37°00--N 36°00). Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Title in lower-right corner: Las Vegas. Contour interval 100 feet. Datum is mean sea level. "Topography"--Center of top margin. Text about the Topographic Maps of the United States series and symbols used on map on verso. U.S. Geological Survey
'Office of Chief Engineer, Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 16, 1905.' '2-18-17' hand-printed in lower right corner. Proposed pipeline is printed in red. Scale [1:6,000]. 1 inch to 500 feet. San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company. Office of Chief Engineer
'Compiled by C. D. Baker, C.E., United States Mineral Surveyor, State Right Water Surveyor, Nevada. Las Vegas, Nev. January 1, 1929. Copyright applied for.' ; "Filed Dec. 10, 1936" and signed by Viola Burns, clerk, city of Las Vegas ; Hand-printed title at top of map: Proposed annexation to Las Vegas ; Map is stamped as Filed Dec 10, 1936 and signed by Las Vegas City Clerk Viola Burns. Library's copy has brown line hand-drawn around area to be annexed.
Map of housing subdivision outside the Las Vegas city limits. 'Approved this 28 day of July1942, by the City Planning Commission of the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, Nevada. Approved this 28 day of July 1942, by the County Planning Commission of the County of Clark, State of Nevada.' Blueline print. Oriented with north to the upper right. Embossed with Engineering Certificate seal of Frank D. Rathburn, which states. 'Survey completed August 4, 1942.' 'Book II, page 53' hand printed in lower right corner. Signed by Clark County, Nevada Notary Public and other coumty officials and officials of El Rancho Village. Published by Office of F.D. Rathbun. Scale [ca. 1:600]. 1 inch to 50 feet