The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Faculty Club Records (1969-2004) are comprised of organizational materials for the UNLV Faculty Club and Women’s Club, including constitutions, bylaws, correspondence, scholarship applications, newspaper clippings, event fliers, membership lists, holiday cards, brochures, newsletters, and photographic prints. Materials also include floppy disks and an optical disc containing digital copies of newsletters and membership information.
Handwritten description provided on back of image: "University of Nevada Board of Regents, January 1963. (Photographed at UNR) L-R: around table (clockwise): Grant Davis; Juanita Greer White; Dr. Fred Anderson; Harold Jacobsen; Alice Terry, Secretary; Archie C. Grant, Chairman; Pres. Charles Armstrong; Ray Germain; Molly Magee; Dr. Louis Lombardi; Proctor Hug, Jr."
A bound version of the "Law School Study for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas" by Dean Willard H. Pedrick, College of Law, Arizona State University, and Professor Lorne Seidman, Chairman, Department of Finance, College of Business and Economics, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. From the University of Nevada, Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law Records (UA-00048).
Articles demonstrate attitudes and activities of women during World War including home economics, fashion, want ads. "Hooverized" recipes Herbert Hoover head of Amercan Food Administration encouraged Americans to voluntarily reduce food consumption to avoid rationing. Michelin Man