The Southern Nevada Jewish Heritage Project Web Archive contains archived websites that were captured between 2016 to 2018 that are related to UNLV University Libraries community documentation project, the
Archival Collection
Picture taken from top of old windmill tower to the west of Corn Creek Ranch, Nevada
Transcribed Notes: Transcribed from back of photo: "Picture taken in 1938 from top of old windmill tower to the west of Corn Creek Ranch, Nevada"
The Nevada Consolidated Copper Company Records (approximately 1907-1978) contain the business records of the company, including correspondence, freight bills, ledgers, maps, leaching data, and books relating to mining. The majority of the records post-date the company's name change to Kennecott Mining Company.
Archival Collection
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) files (1951-2017) sub-series includes student papers, departmental correspondence, field school reports, lecture notes, reprints and research publications. The files also contain project files from Death Valley, and projects in collaboration with the Desert Research Institute (DRI) and the University of California Riverside (UCR).
Archival Component