The Tonopah, Nevada Promotional Film consists of a ten-minute promotional film of Tonopah, Nevada from approximately 1912 to 1918. The film shows a celebration that took place primarily in front of the Mizpah Hotel as well as shots of Tonopah and surrounding mining operations. The original nitrate film was found in the basement of the Mizpah Hotel when Frank E. Scott, Chairman of the Union Plaza Hotel, bought and renovated the Mizpah in 1980.
From the Nevada Mining Photograph Collection (PH-00361) -- Shown is a miniature photograph of Goldfield, Nevada. Written on the photograph, "Palace block, headquarters- Montezuma club."
From the Nevada Mining Photograph Collection (PH-00361) -- Shown is a miniature photograph of Goldfield, Nevada. Written on the photograph, "Goldfield sampling & ore. cos works".
From the Nevada Mining Photograph Collection (PH-00361) -- Shown is a miniature photograph of Goldfield, Nevada. Written on the photograph, "View of some of Goldfield's famous mines".
From the Nevada Mining Photograph Collection (PH-00361) -- Shown is a miniature photograph of Goldfield, Nevada. Written on the photograph, "Partial view of Oredump- Combination Mine".
Host Claudia Collins with a panel of Nevada journalists discusses Bob Stupak making it to the Wall Street Journal, regarding the financing of Stupak's Tower; group discusses marketing strategies present in casinos throughout Las Vegas and Stupak's controversial marketing strategy for the Stratosphere Tower. Original media VHS, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486. From the Bob Stupak Professional Papers (MS-01016) -- Professional papers -- Audiovisual material -- Digitized audiovisual clips file.