'Compiled and published by Booker & Bradford, engineers, Tonopah, Nevada.' 'Copyrighted by Booker & Bradford 1902.' 'Lith. Britton & Rey, S.F., Cal.' Relief shown by hachures. Includes insets of Ray Mining District, Nye County, Nevada, and Vicinity map of Tonopah Mining District, Nye County, Nevada. Includes advertisements and photographs of Tonopah ore, town of Tonopah, and of J.L. Butler, discoverer of the Mizpah Lode. Scale [ca. 1:7,200]. 1 inch to 600 feet. Mounted on linen.
1 map in 21 sheets (14 plans, 7 profiles): col. ; 46 x 64 cm. Notes Relief shown by contours. Each sheet includes a key map. Surveys for individual sheets conducted 1919-23. Library has: Sheets I (2 copies), J, K, L, M, and N only. "Contour interval on land 50 feet." "Contour interval on river surface 5 feet." "Datum is mean sea level." "Mileage is measured from U. S. G. S. concrete gauge well opposite mouth of Paria River." "Topography by U. S. Reclamation Service." "Surveyed in 1919-23." Original publisher: U.S. Geological Survey, Scale: 1: 81,680.
'U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Camp P.E. 206.' 'By C.C.C. Company, 538. Drawn by Ed Overton. Approved ... 5-15-35.Traced by Ed Overton.'