58 x 46 cm., on sheet 79 x 91 cm., folded in envelope 30 x 24 cm. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. "Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission." "Base by U.S. Geological Survey, 1962." "Geology mapped in 1963." "Contour interval 20 feet." Includes text, 2 col. cross sections, quadrangle location map, and 1 index map. Original publisher: Interior, Geological Survey, Series: Geologic quadrangle map GQ, Scale: 1:24 000.
'Prepared by Porter & White Agency. Typography by Marc Wilkinson.' 'Travel-Aid. A Ballinger publication, copyright, July 1947.' Panel title: 'Las Vegas, Nevada invites you! : see Boulder Dam, Lake Mead.' Includes information on Las Vegas, business directory, advertisements and directory of service clubs. Advertisements, map of Boulder City, and map of southern Nevada area with advertisements on verso. Ballinger Publishing Company.
'Department of the Interior, General Land Office, October 2nd, 1886, [signed] Jos. S. Wilson, Commissioner.' 'The Major & Knapp Eng. Mfg. & Lith. Co. 71 Broadway, N.Y.' Relief shown by hachures. Hand colored. Shows silver, gold, and copper mines. Scale [1:1,140,480]. 18 miles to an in. (W 120°--W 114°/N 42°--N 35°)
Black and white image of the girls basketball team for Clark County High School posing together with their ball. Note: Image is from a family photo album that was loaned to UNLV Libraries Special Collections and returned to the family on July 17, 1984.