'Compiled by Geo. E. Sherer and W.B. Milliken, miners and surveyors, Bull Frog, Nye Co., Nevada.' 'Photo. Lith. Britton & Rey, S.F.' Scale [ca. 1:16,800. 1 inch to approximately 1,400 feet]. Blueline print.
1 map in 21 sheets (14 plans, 7 profiles): col. ; 46 x 64 cm. Notes Relief shown by contours. Each sheet includes a key map. Surveys for individual sheets conducted 1919-23. Library has: Sheets I (2 copies), J, K, L, M, and N only. "Contour interval on land 50 feet." "Contour interval on river surface 5 feet." "Datum is mean sea level." "Mileage is measured from U. S. G. S. concrete gauge well opposite mouth of Paria River." "Topography by U. S. Reclamation Service." "Surveyed in 1919-23." Original publisher: U.S. Geological Survey, Scale: 1: 81,680.
'U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Camp P.E. 206.' 'By C.C.C. Company, 538. Drawn by Ed Overton. Approved ... 5-15-35.Traced by Ed Overton.'
Note: Ball was under the high patronage of His Excellency Baron de Renzis di Montanaro, Ambassador of H. M. the King of Italy; Supper served in the Renaissance, Egyptian and Louis XV Saloons Menu insert: Music Programs; Dancing engagement cards Restaurant: The Monico Location: London, England