Postcard of outhouse and tent buildings, probably at Basic Magnesium site, Henderson, Nevada. "Priority A-1-A in Nevada, It's 'Basic'" written on front of card.
Color image of protesters with a large wooden cross at an anti-nuclear testing demonstration organized by Lenten Desert Experience (also called Nevada Desert Experience) in the Nevada desert.
'Prepared by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Insurance Administration. 1973.' Sheet 1: Las Vegas NE, Nev.; Sheet 2: Las Vegas SE, Nev.; Sheet 3:Las Vegas SW, Nev.; Sheet 4: Las Vegas NW, Nev. Published by Geological Survey (U.S.). Scale 1:24,000. [1 in. to approx. 2,000 ft.]. Relief shown by contours. Flood information overprinted on U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute topographic quadrangles: [sheet 1] Las Vegas NE quadrangle, [sheet 2] Las Vegas SE quadrangle, [sheet 3] Las Vegas SW quadrangle, [sheet 4] Las Vegas NW quadrangle, 1967. Shows areas subject to flooding by a flood that has 1 in 100 chance on the average of occurring in any one year. "Flood boundaries were estimated from: regional stage-frequency relations." Includes notes.