Printed text about the Desert Inn Country Club. The paragraph reads: "'A Beacon of Welcome.' This motto of Wilbur Clark's Desert Inn in the early 1950s is apropos even today. The years have been kind to us. Sure, we're a little older, but who can forget those glorious seasons? The Desert Inn and Country Club is the brightest beacon in Las Vegas as a club that offers the finest golf course and community fellowship. The PGA and LPGA recognizes the Desert Inn Country Club as a playland for some of its greatest innovative tournaments. On April 23-26, 1953, the most prestigious golf event in the world was inaugurated on this spanking-new course - the Tournament of Champions. Its unique format of allowing only winners of the PGA Tour compete made the Tournament of Champions an instantaneous success. For 16 years it flourished as Las Vegas' sports headliner. But the Desert Inn Country Club has remained in the golf limelight by staging brilliant, exciting events as regular stop on the LPGA Tour. The Country Club has been the scene of gala festivities since that first T-of-C. Let's reminisce... Our first social affair was featured in the Skyroom of the hotel on January 25, 1957. Membership in the club was closed that evening with 194 Las Vegas men and women holding membership cards. Today we number 275. Although the clubhouse was not to be completed until the latter part of March, with the formal opening scheduled in April, sketches of the building were displayed at the gathering. Allard Roen, club president, officiated at that first meeting, the purpose of which to acquaint members with the policies of the club. Introductions went to Moe Dalitz; Mrs. Helen (Jack) Doyle, president of the Women's Golf Association; and Merv Adelson, director and handicap chairman of the Men's Golf Association. Remember the awards ceremony? That was Mrs. Carmen Colahan and Jim Henderson who presented the trophies to Myron Friedman and Mrs. Roen for their victories in the 1956 men's and women's championship flight divisions. Mrs. Rose (Bill) Holler, winner of numerous tournaments to follow and honored by having an event named after her, was the woman's first-flight winner. A full-page account of our first social function was carried in the Las Vegas Sun, resplendent with pictures. An accompanying article said the new clubhouse "will feature a variety of facilities, among which will be a TV room, dining room, card room, a grill and a lounge." Through the years we have formulated friendships, renewed acquaintances and cemented relationships at numerous festivities in the Country Club and grill room, a popular gathering place to hash things over. We have celebrated and shared our moments at New Year's Eve parties, Grand Balls, Halloween parties, Easter egg hunts, Mexican Fiestas, installation ceremonies and at many other functions. This evening is something special, too. For tonight we honor the 25 presidents of the Desert Inn Country Club who helped formulate and host these wonderful occasions. As we celebrate this Silver Anniversary of our club, let's reflect on the past. Our Family Album captures many of those fine moments. Yes, the years have been kind to us. Some of our friends are gone. But who can forget the nice times we had together? Ah, memories...