Man and a woman standing in front of brush house, possibly a karnee dwelling, with a shade shelter on one end. The photograph is labeled "Summer Camp." A Post-it note on the back identifies the man as "probably Chief Tecopa."
'Elmer J. Chute, E.M. and Olmstead and Rich, Goldfield, Nevada. Copyright 1907, by Elmer J. Chute, Goldfield, Nev.' Includes information on and prices for wall and pocket map with this title. Includes inset map. Includes township and range grid. Library's copy has Rochester GF. claim circled in blue ink , has a piece missing to the right of that claim, and has "Mohawk ledge, a lease by Davis & Shoemaker" written in blue ink at the center bottom of the map with a line in blue ink drawn to the Frances Mohawk claim.
Dirt road in the desert is blocked off by chains. A sign next to the closure reads: "Keep Out Closed Area." Inscription with image says: "Ruins of T&T water tower and station may survive at Soda Springs near Baker, California."
A group view of Las Vegas Men's Group the Elks Club in Las Vegas, Nevada. Handwritten description on back of image: "Elks Club. First Row, seated: 1.) (?) 2.) Otto Underhill 3) (?) 4) (?) 5) (?) 6) "Bud" Barrett 7) (?) 8) (?). Second Row, seated: 1.) Don Bremner /?/ 2.) K. O. Knudson 3.) (?) 4.) (?) 5.) William (Bill) Schuyler 6.) A. W. Ham, Sr. 7.) Judge William E. Orr 8.) (?) 9.) Earl Davison 10.) (?). Third row, seated: 1.) Fred Callihan 2.) (?). Standing (in the back of the room, center of the photo) 1.) Frank Buol 2.) Ed Von Tobel, Sr. 3.) C. P. Squires. - ID by Ruth Hazard 5-6-75."
Black and white image of several teachers from Las Vegas schools, including the following (from right to left): Olive Lake, Rose Ullom, Cora Maeble, Dora Lee, and Maude Williams.