42 x 30 cm., fold. to 23 x 11 cm. Relief shown by hachures. Copyright: George S. Clason. "Compliments of D. Mackinzie & Company Incorporated, Mine Operators and Commission Brokers, Goldfield, Nevada." Company's locations in Goldfield and in Greenwater, California, are marked with red circles on the map. Includes index. Shows railroad routes. Original publisher: Clason Map Co..
Black and white image of Roy Mosback and Henry Lotts at the "Lucky Strike" mine near Mount Charleston, per the handwritten description at the bottom of the image. Note: Image is from a family photo album that was loaned to UNLV Libraries Special Collections and returned to the family on July 17, 1984.
Sidewalk view of a man leaving the "Tonopah Club, Cafe, Bar, & Kendall Rooms." In the distance you can see the "Ace Club" and "Nevada Cafe" on the same street. Site Name: Tonopah Club