The Southern Nevada Jewish Heritage Project Web Archive contains archived websites that were captured between 2016 to 2018 that are related to UNLV University Libraries community documentation project, the
Archival Collection
Archival Component
Archival Component
The Cosmopolitan Hotel and Casino Las Vegas, Nevada Records provide materials relating to the hotel's grand opening on December 15, 2010. Included are newspaper clippings, a poster pamphlet, gaming and rewards program information, and photographs of the hotel rooms. Also included is information about the art program, the shops, bars, nightclubs, and convention facilities.
Archival Collection
The James "Dee" Donithan Collection of Nevada Test Site Photographs (approximately 1970-1999) consist of 8x10 photographs depicting flowers, landscapes, wildlife, workers, work sites, and testing equipment at the Nevada Test Site. The photographs were printed by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Mercury, Nevada, and collected into a binder by James "Dee" Donithan.
Archival Collection