Color image of people involved with the Lenten Desert Experience (also called the Nevada Desert Experience), a group protesting nuclear testing. A palm frond is also visible.
From the Harvey's Hotel and Casino Postcard Collection (PH-00367) -- Silver Spur in Reno, Nevada circa 1970s-1980s. Also visible are the Horseshoe Club, The Nugget, the Ground Cow restaurant, and The Primadonna.
A Nevada Cafe card that says that "$5.00 for $4.50 cash only, Nevada Cafe Goldfield, Nevada, Issued To, Date Issued, Not Transferable." The numbers 5, 10, 15, & 25 border the card.
From the Nye County, Nevada Photograph Collection (PH-00221) -- Series V. Smoky Valley, Nevada and Round Mountain, Nevada -- Subseries V.A. Carver, Carver-Duhme, and Carver-Book Families (Smoky Valley)
From the Nye County, Nevada Photograph Collection (PH-00221) -- Series V. Smoky Valley, Nevada and Round Mountain, Nevada -- Subseries V.A. Carver, Carver-Duhme, and Carver-Book Families (Smoky Valley)
The records are comprised of budgetary and financial information dating from 1954 to 1988 created by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs. The records include information about UNLV budgets, physical plant information, work programs, and correspondence sent to and from Herman Westfall, Vice President of Business Affairs from 1962 to 1987. The collection also includes Herman Westfall’s correspondence files which contain information such as estimative budgets, correspondence with UNLV presidents and colleges, contracts, memoranda, and committee information.
The view of the small town of Searchlight, Nevada. Formed in 1897, Searchlight is an old boomtown that was made popular when George Frederick Colton discovered gold at the location where the town is now built. Unnamed buildings cluster together in the center of the postcard while rocky terrain decorated with small shrubs and mines surround the city's outskirts. Transcribed onto the bottom of the postcard: "Searchlight, Nevada; Duplex Mine In Foreground." The Frasher's Foto logo is also printed onto the bottom right corner.
Mule skinners (drivers) and pack mules assembled before a huge rick of cordwood at wood camp near Belleville, Nevada in 1880s. Wood provided fuel for ore mill. In the background, there are many tree stumps.