Partial second floor master plan for the cconstruction of the Showboat Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City. Includes key plan. Site Name: Showboat Hotel and Casino (Atlantic City) Address: 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ
Partial fourth floor master plan for the construction fo the Showboat Hotel and Casino in atlantic City. Includes key plan. Site Name: Showboat Hotel and Casino (Atlantic City) Address: 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ
Proposed changes to the front entrance of the Riviera from 1981. Includes exterior elevations and plan of entry. Original medium: pencil on paper. Berton Charles Severson, architect; Brian Walter Webb, architect. Site Name: Riviera Hotel and Casino Address: 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South
An artist's conception of the proposed Lady Luck Casino, later the named the Hacienda. Caption reads "Proposed Structure to be Erected near Las Vegas, Nevada by Efstonbuilt." Inverted negative film transparency. Efstonbuilt, Inc. of Chicago, architects Site Name: Hacienda Address: 3590 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Finalized construction plans for the construction of Hacienda, originally called the Lady Luck, as written on the drawing. Drawn by: B.E. Efstonbuilt, Inc. of Chicago, architects; Harold L. Epstein, structural engineer; A. E. Capon, electrical engineer. Site Name: Hacienda Address: 3590 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Architectural plans for the addition of a tower to the Flamingo in 1976. Reduced sheet. Original material: parchment. Socoloske, Zelner and Associates, structural engineers; Harold L. Epstein and Associates, structural engineers; Bennett/Tepper, mechanical engineers; J. L. Cusick and associates, electrical engineers. Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino Address: 3555 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Bathroom elevations and details for a four story hotel building for the Flamingo from 1961. Printed on parchment. Site Name: Flamingo Hotel and Casino Address: 3555 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Plans for hotel room and public area additions for the Hacienda from 1963-1965. Includes paint schedule and finish schedule. J. L. Cusick and Associates, electrical engineers; Harold L. Epstein and Associates, structural engineers; W. L. Donley and Associates, mechanical engineers. Site Name: Hacienda Address: 3590 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Plans for the construction of the Showboat Hotel Casino in Atlantic City from 1985; parchment copy; delineator identified with initials E.B. Site Name: Showboat Hotel and Casino (Atlantic City) Address: 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ
Partial second floor plan for the construction of the Showboat Hotel Casino in Atlantic City from 1985. Includes revision dates and key plan. Parchment copy. Site Name: Showboat Hotel and Casino (Atlantic City) Address: 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ