Sheet 1A of 6 Sheets. San Pedro, Los Angeles, & Salt Lake Railroad employees' cottages, five rooms, Las Vegas, Nevada. Includes various scales, plans, and elevations. The cottages were built by the Las Vegas Land and Water Company between 190-?-07. Caption: S.P., L.A. & S.L. R.R. employees cottages, Las Vegas, Nevada, five rooms
Five men stand in front of the Arizona Club on North First street in Las Vegas. The third man from the right is identified as Al James, who acquired the Arizona Club from its builder about 1907. Photograph taken 1906-1907? Site Name: Arizona Club (Las Vegas, Nev.)
Group of men standing outside businesses in McWilliams' Original Las Vegas Townsite. The Las Vegas Bank & Trust Company and Las Vegas Drug Company are visible. Signage includes the name, Doctor C A Rucker.
An image of an unidentified boy in costume standing outside the Boulder Dam Service Bureau Building; the words "Boulder Theater Building General Offices" are printed on the window.
First State Bank, located on the northeast corner of First and Fremont Streets, was the first two-story structure in Clark's Las Vegas Townsite. Rooms upstairs were occupied by the Masonic Lodge. Site Name: First State Bank (Las Vegas, Nev.)
During a visit to Louis Wiener Jr. Elementary School, Valerie Wiener talks with students about friendship choices and promises to be their friend and support them each day. She is wearing a school shirt.