Interior b-roll footage of New York New York casino floor, camera pans to different areas on the floor, pans in and out on people interacting with various slot machines, table games, and generally walking around. Original media Betacam SP, color, aspect ratio 4 x 3, frame size 720 x 486.
Archival Collection
UNLV TV Audiovisual Collection
To request this item in person:
Collection Number: UA-00098 Collection Name: UNLV TV Audiovisual Collection Box/Folder: Digital File 00, Box 03
Howard Hughes (second from left) standing in front of the experimental helicopter XH-17, Flying Crane, with others (from left to right): Rea Hopper, Director of the Aeronautical Division, Hughes Aircraft Company; Hughes; Clyde Jones, Director of Engineering, Hughes Tool Company Aeronautical Division; Warren Reed, Assistant; Colonel Carl E. Jackson from Air Research and Development Headquarters, Baltimore; Gale J. Moore, Pilot; possibly Chal Bowen, Flight Engineer/Co-pilot, and an unidentified man, on October 23, 1952.