Description given with photo: "Mr. Hughes Exits Smiling, Washington, D.C. - A different Howard Hughes from the harried, sometimes angry, man who faced the Senate War Investigating Committee last week, the millionaire plane-builder is shown waving a cheerful farewell to Washington and his admirers as he boarded his converted bomber at National Airport today for his return to California. Before taking off Hughes said he has no idea of the where-abouts of his elusive public relations man, John W. Meyer. Asked if he would be back in Washington when the committee reconvenes in November, he said: "Certainly." Photograph by N.K. Benson. 8/13/47."
Description printed on photograph's accompanying sheet of paper: "Hughes guest at National Press Club. Washington, D. C. -- After personally thanking Secretary of State Cordell Hull for his assistance in clearing the way for their round-the-world flight, Howard Hugehs and his four daring companions were guests at a luncheon of the National Press Club here, July 21st. Here Hughes is shown as he was congratulated at the club by Major General Oscar Westover, Chief of the Army Air Corps. Left to right: Howard Hughes, Constantine A. Dumansky, Counselor of the Soviet Embassy: General Westover, Jesse Jones, Chairman of the R. F. C. and Count De Saint-Quentin, the French Embassador."
The black and white view of Howard Hughes in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Description written on back of photograph: "July 14, 1938: Tired and bearded, Howard Hughes was surrounded as he left his plane at the municipal airport (World-Chamberlain Field) to secure weather information before leaving Minneapolis to complete his record-breaking around-the-world flight-- the fastest flight ever made in circumnavigating the globe. Photo-courtesy "The Minneapolis Star" Board of Park Commissions 325 City Hall Minneapolis, Minn."