Transcribed from attachment to photo: "TOUGH TEST - A hard formation drilling test is begun in the big laboratory at Hughes Tool Company, Houston, Texas, where any drilling condition found anywhere in the world can be duplicated. Here, where the vast majority of rock bits used in the U. S. and Canada are produced, is the cornerstone of Howard Hughes' industrial empire; it was principally the income from the oil drilling equipment company which enables Hughes to branch out into many other fields."
L-R: Rea Hopper, Director of the Aeronautical Division, Hughes Aircraft Company; Howard Hughes; Clyde Jones, Director of Engineering, Hughes Tool Company Aeronautical Division; Warren Reed, Assistant; Col. Carl E. Jackson, Air Research and Development Headquarters, Baltimore; Gale J. Moore, pilot; and unidentified pilot in front of the experimental helicopter XH-17 Flying Crane on October 23, 1952. This was one of Hughes' last public appearances.