Description given with photo: "Senator Visits Hughes, Culver City, Calif.; Senator Harry P. Cain (R. Wash.) (left), member of a Senate Subcommittee investigating Howard Hughes' war contracts, chats with Hughes (right) beside his controversial XF-11 photo-reconnaissance plane just before the millionaire plane maker took off for a test flight from his private Culver City Airport today (8/16). Credit (ACME) 8/16/47."
Description given with photo: "Poised For Trial Run, San Pedro, Calif.: Two engineers are dwarfed by the four right wing engines of Howard Hughes' mammoth plywood flying boat as the 200-tom craft is readied for taxi tests in Los Angeles harbor on November 1st. While completing taxi runs on the following day, Hughes casually lifted the big plane into the air for an unscheduled half-mile flight. Credit Line (ACME) 11/04/47."
Description given with photo: "Howard Hughes Flying Boat at Terminal Island. (Inside fuselage to the rear taken from forward section) Long Beach, Cal."
Description given with photograph: "Howard Hughes gets air award. Hollywood, Cal. - Howard Hughes, millionaire spotman flyer, with special events announcer Clinton Twiss at the Hollywood studios of NBC where the flyer was cited for his round-the-world flight in 91 hours and 14 minutes. Hughes was recently awarded the Collier Trophy given annually for the "greatest achievement in aviation in America."
Description given with photo: "Float Flying Boat, San Pedro, Calif.: Workmen prepare to float Howard Hughes' 200-ton plywood flying boat at San Pedro on Nov. 1st for taxi tests in Los Angeles Harbor. The craft can be seen in its mammoth drydock, where it was assembled and outfitted. Credit Line (ACME) 11/04/47."