The Christie Young Papers are comprised of Young's personal papers, journals, and photographs between 1982 and 2011. The journals document Young's arrival to Las Vegas, Nevada and her involvement in several nascent Las Vegas lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) organizations from 1982 to 1985, such as UNLV's Lesbian and Gay Academic Union (LGAU). The collection includes materials related to her life in San Diego, California from 1985 to 1995 and typed transcripts of all journal entries that relate to the Las Vegas LGBTQ community. The collection also includes photographic slides and prints documenting Young's involvement with LGAU and events in the Las Vegas LGBTQ community.
The Sister Klaryta Antoszewska Photograph Collection (1977-1991) consists of photographic slides that depict various Nevada, United States, and international nuclear test protests. The collection includes images of Sister Klaryta Antoszewska and Sister Rosemary Lynch, as well as images of the Lenten Desert Experience and numerous protests at the Nevada Test Site. Also included are images of nuclear testing, soldiers, and anti-nuclear testing promotional materials.
The Blue Diamond Mine Corporate Records (1918-2005) consist of operational and organization records of the gypsum mining and milling operations located in southwest Clark County, Nevada. Materials include operational records related to individual boring sites at the mine; milling operations and statistics; and equipment operations and statistics, including maps, field notebooks, and photographs. There are also daily, weekly, and monthly organizational records related to employee work schedules and safety reports for the mining operations, including accident reports and a safety education training program.
The Stocker Family Papers (1860-1982) document the family’s personal, political, and business interests including Mayme Stocker’s 1931 Nevada gaming license and Harold Stocker’s involvement in the Nevada Republican party. The collection contains family correspondence, political documents and planning materials, and business records related to the family’s gaming and real estate interests.