Incorporating iconic New York symbolism with commercial architecture, the New York New York hotel and casino along the Las Vegas Strip presents an "only in Vegas" tourist attraction complete with a Statue of Liberty replica and a roller coaster.
Transcribed from back of photo: "Howard Hughes in the cockpit of the new XF-11 reconnaissance plane which he designed and built in conjuntion with Air Material Command engineers. He is preparing for its first flight. One of the world's fastest long-range photo planes, it can attain a speed of over 400 miles per hour."
Description given with photograph: "Hughes sets new transcontinental transport mark. Floyd Bennet Field, NY--- Howard Hughes, millionaire flier, setting his famous round-the-world transport plane down here, early August 20th, after a record-smashing flight from Los Angeles. Hughes and three companions completed the trip in 10 hours 32 minutes and 20 seconds, shattering the record of 11 hours and five minutes set four years ago by Tommy Tomlinson. The flight was made most of the way in the substratosphere at an average altitude of 17, 000 feet. Credit Line ACME."
Wilbur Clark (round table in tux, facing camera) and his wife Toni (next to priest, far right) at a formal dinner at the Hotel Astor in New York City, 1958. (Credit: Bill Mark, Park Sheraton Hotel, New York City)