L-R: Rea Hopper, Director of the Aeronautical Division, Hughes Aircraft Company; Howard Hughes; Clyde Jones, Director of Engineering, Hughes Tool Company Aeronautical Division; Warren Reed, Assistant; Col. Carl E. Jackson, Air Research and Development Headquarters, Baltimore; Gale J. Moore, pilot; and unidentified pilot in front of the experimental helicopter XH-17 Flying Crane on October 23, 1952. This was one of Hughes' last public appearances.
An inside view of Laubach's Recreation Tavern, Boulder City, Nevada. The only two identified individuals in the image include Jack Laubach, far left, and Guy Edward "Whataman" Hudson, positioned in the center and behind the counter.
Black and white image of a woman sitting in the librarian's office at the Boulder City Library, located in its new quarters on the top floor of the Municipal Building.