Typed onto a piece of paper given with the image: "Hughes' Plane Over Los Angeles, Cal. -- The world-girdling plane of Howard Hughes pictured from an American Airlines plane as it flew over Los Angeles as Hughes and four companions on the record-breaking flight arrive at Los Angeles for the ovation accorded them by proud Southern Californians. The Los Angeles City Hall is in the background. Credit Line (ACME) 8/2/38 NY
Howard Hughes inspecting the equipment on the flight deck inside of the HK-1, Hughes Flying Boat, which he designed and built. The man pictured behind Hughes is possibly Earl Martyn, Hughes' flight engineer. The Flying Boat was near completion and was located on Terminal Island in the Los Angeles Harbor.
Trascribed from attached press release: " Howard Hughes (wearing hat) talks over details of tomorrow's initial taxi testing of his 24,000 horsepower flying boat, Nov. 1, 1947." Hughes is standing between Chal Bowen(?) (left) and Gale J. Moore (right).