Description given with photo: "Hughes Pilots Radar-Equipped Plane Culver City, Calif. -- First passenger plane equipped with radar is flown in demonstration May 1st by Howard Hughes (left) and co-pilot R.C. Loomis over Culver City. Pilots using this equipment will be warned of approaching obstacles by lights flashing on radar panel. Two lights (lefts) with 2,000-foot range, are used to guarantee clearance over mountains; two lights (right) with 500-foot range, are a safety device for approaches and landings. Either set of lights warns against approaching aircraft. Trans-World Airline plans to install radar on its passenger planes. Credit (ACME) 5-3-47."
Description given with photograph: "Howard Hughes as he accepted the Collier trophy award at NBC Hollywood Studios is shown with announcer Clinton (Buddy) Twiss."
The black and white, skyline view of New York City with Lockheed 14 aircraft flying in the foreground. Typed onto script included with the image: "Howard Hughes plane Lockheed 14 in flight over lower New York City. To right in the background can be seen New York City's three bridges of the lower East River from front to rear: the Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge, and the Williamsburg Bridge."
Wilbur Clark (back of table, facing to side) and his wife Toni (far right, same table) at a formal dinner at the Hotel Astor, New York City, 1958. Credit: Bill Mark, Park Sheraton Hotel, New York City.