Description given with photo: "Chairman Brewster Denies Collusion Charged By Hughes. Washington, D.C. Multi-millionaire plane-builder Howard Hughes, left, and his counsel, Thomas A. Slack, center, listen to chairman Owen Brewster, ( R ) of Me., right, of the Senate War Investigating Committee, testify before member of his committee. Senator Brewster denied under oath Howard Hughes' "blackmail" charge that Brewster had tried to make him merge the TWA with Pan-American Airways. -INP Photo by N.K. Benson- 8/6/47."
Description given with photo: "102,246 - Watch Your Credit - International News Photo. Slug - (Howard Hughes) Hughes Ready For Senate Investigators, Washington, D.C. Howard Hughes, right, is interviewed by reporters at Washington National Airport after his arrival in a converted B-23 bomber from Culver City, X California. Hughes, there to face Senate Investigators, said he would be "most happy" to repeat under oath charges he has made against chairman Owen Brewster, (R) of Me., of the Senate War Investigating Committee now probing his wartime plane contracts. -Photo by G.B. Kress- 8/6/47."
Howard Hughes checking the instrument panel of the HK-1 Hughes Flying Boat (400,000 pound, 24,000 horsepower airplane) with his crew before the taxi tests, at Terminal Island in the Los Angeles Harbor.
Date stamped on back of photo: April 3, 1947. Transcribed from attached press release: "HUGHES FLIES DUPLICATE OF CRASH PLANE CULVER CITY, Calif., April 5 -- Howard Hughes, famed flier-industrialist, today test-piloted the plane pictured here, a duplicate of the XF-11 photo-reconnaissance ship which he nearly lost his life in an accident last July 7. He designed and built the plane for the Army Air forces in conjunction with the Air Materiel Command engineers. He has recovered from the injuries sustained last year when the freak propeller trouble dashed the original XF-11 to earth. As usual, he today took personal responsibility for the first test flight of the new plane." The actual flying date is April 4, 1947.