Dave, Jr. stands on the back of the truck bed. His father, Dave "Shorty" Roberts, stands on the ground beside him. A house is connected to the truck bed.
Ellen Roberts (right) and another individual stand in front of a house that is propped up and ready to move. Ellen was Dorothy's sister, married to Dave Roberts.
L-R: David Banovitch, Bob Pellissier, Emory Garrett, unidentified person, and Allie Van Fleet. This house was being moved for Garrett. The photo was taken halfway between Tonopah and Ely, the site where the house was moved.
Men begin the process of moving a house down Main Street in Tonopah. Family Drug Store in the background; in the early days the store was called Southworth's. David Banovitch is on the truck.
House from Cord's Ranch, Fish Lake Valley. They gave it to Dave Roberts in exchange for moving a house at Nivloc Mine to Fish Lake Valley. This house stands in Tonopah next to the mortuary on Bryan Avenue.
This photo shows the bed rolls on the truck which crew used when they were on the road. A small house being moved is in the background, tipped on its side.