Front, right, rear and left exterior elevations of a ranch-style residential home with detached garage in the Las Verdes Heights development in Las Vegas, Nevada. "Drawn by P.J.C. & J.C.M. Checked by E.C.B." "Sheet no. 9 of 25."
Site Name: Las Verdes Heights
Details, sections and interior elevations for deluxe cabin at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. Scales shown. Sheet 3, job no. 499, date 3-5-29. Dr.: Weldon. Tr.: Weldon, Ck.: A.S. #15763-C
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
First floor plan for pavilion at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. Shows porch, living room, dining room, kitchen, store room, office and store, mens' and womens' rest rooms. Scale 1/4"" = 1'-0"". Dr. by M.B. Tr. by M.B. Sheet #2, Job #259.5. 5/5/24. File no. 15181-B.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
Second floor plan for pavilion at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. Shows guest rooms, bathroom and storage. Scale 1/4"" = 1'-0"". Dr. by M.B. Tr. by M.B. Sheet #3, Job #259.5. 5/5/24. File no. 15181-C.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
Exterior elevations, details, and sections for pavilion at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. Scale 1/ as marked. Dr. by M.B. Tr. by M.B. Sheet #7, Job #259.5. 5/5/24. File no. 15181-G.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
Details and sections for pavilion at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah. Scales as marked. Dr. by J.H.K. Tr. by J.H.K. Sheet #8, Job #259.5. 5/16/24. File no. 15181-H.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
Roof plan and plot plan for pavilion at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, including additions. Scale as noted. Dr. by A.P. B., A. Sett. Tr. by A. Sett. Ch. by P.R. Gage. Sheet no. 1, Job. No. 350, date 2-19-26. Revised 6-14-26. #15774-A.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
Foundation plan, sections P-S for pavilion at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, including additions. Scale 1/4"" = 1'-0"". Dr. by A. Sett. Tr. by A. Sett. Ch. by P.R. Gage. Sheet no. 2, Job no. 350, date 2-19-26. Revised 6-14-26. #15774-B.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
Second floor plan for pavilion at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, including additions. Continued on Sheet no. 6. Scale 1/4""=1'-0"". Dr. by A. Sett. Tr. by A. Sett. Ch. By P.R. Gage. Sheet no. 6, Job no. 350, date 2-19-26. Revised 6-14-26. #15774-F.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
Second floor plan for pavilion at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, including additions. Continues Sheet no. 6. Scale 1/4""=1'-0"". Dr. by A.P.Br. Tr. by A.P.Br. Ch. by P.R. Gage. Sheet no. 7, Job no. 350, date 2-19-26. #15774-G.
Site Name: Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)